OpenAI Debuts ChatGPT-4

What is ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT-4 is the latest iteration of OpenAI’s groundbreaking generative language model, designed to revolutionize the way artificial intelligence interacts with and understands text, images, and even human emotions. ChatGPT-4 shows remarkable improvements in natural language processing and understanding. This new model is a powerful resource for a diverse range of applications, including content creation, language learning, and visual interpretation.

Features of ChatGPT-4

ChatGPT-4 introduces new features and improvements that distinguish it from earlier models, positioning it as a significant advancement in the field of AI.

  1. Advanced Language Understanding: ChatGPT-4 demonstrates an improved understanding of context and complex language structures, enabling it to generate more coherent and accurate responses in a variety of situations.
  2. Multimodal Capabilities: This AI model goes beyond text, as it can now process and interpret images, significantly broadening its applicability in areas such as visual storytelling and aiding visually impaired users.
  3. Improved Factual Accuracy: OpenAI claims that ChatGPT-4 is 40% more likely to produce factual responses, making it a more reliable tool for information retrieval and content generation.
  4. Enhanced Creativity: ChatGPT-4 showcases an ability to produce creative and unique content, making it a valuable asset for tasks like storytelling, marketing, and content creation.
  5. Reduced Bias and Harmful Content: OpenAI has made strides in reducing the generation of biased or harmful content by 82%, making it a more responsible and safer tool for users.
  6. Applications in Language Learning: In partnership with language learning platforms like Duolingo, ChatGPT-4 can be used as an AI-based chat partner, facilitating more effective and engaging language learning experiences.
  7. Support for Visually Impaired Users: Through collaborations with organizations like Be My Eyes, ChatGPT-4 has the potential to provide a virtual assistant that helps visually impaired users better understand their surroundings and engage with the world around them.

Integration with Existing Platforms: ChatGPT-4 is designed to be easily integrated into various platforms and applications, such as Microsoft’s BingGPT, to provide AI-powered assistance and enhance user experiences across a wide range of services.

Language Models

Language models are computational representations of human language that aim to generate and understand text by learning from vast amounts of data. These models are trained on large datasets containing text from diverse sources, such as books, articles, and websites, enabling them to predict and generate coherent, contextually appropriate text based on given inputs. Language models have a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, machine translation, sentiment analysis, and content generation.

Previous Versions of Language Models

Over the years, language models have evolved significantly in terms of their complexity and capabilities. Earlier models, such as n-grams and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), had limited capacity to understand context and generate coherent text. The advent of transformer-based architectures, like BERT and GPT, revolutionized the field, allowing for more accurate predictions and improved text generation.

San Francisco’s GPT-3 Model

Developed by OpenAI, GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art language model that garnered significant attention for its ability to generate high-quality text. With its 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 demonstrated an impressive understanding of context and was capable of generating text that closely resembled human writing. It found applications in a variety of fields, such as content generation, translation, and code generation.

Adversarial Prompts with the GPT-4 Model

GPT-4, the latest iteration of the GPT series by OpenAI, has been further improved to handle adversarial prompts and complex tasks better. Adversarial prompts are designed to trick AI models into generating incorrect or biased responses. These advancements make ChatGPT-4 a significant leap forward in the development of natural language processing and AI chatbots.

Artificial Intelligence for Language Learning Applications

ChatGPT-4 has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn languages. OpenAI has partnered with language learning app Duolingo to power a new AI-based chat partner called Roleplay. This tool enables learners to have a free-flowing conversation in another language with a chatbot that responds to what they’re saying and corrects them when necessary. It is believed that this could be a game-changer in language learning.

Wide Range of Visual Inputs for AI Applications

OpenAI claims that ChatGPT-4 supports a chatbot that is capable of understanding images as well as text. This is a significant improvement over its predecessors. In a live demo, OpenAI showed how GPT-4 could be given a hand-drawn mockup of a website and, from that, generate code for a functional site in a matter of seconds. Additionally, ChatGPT-4 can describe images and communicate the meaning and context behind them, making it a potentially valuable tool for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Human Feedback and Natural Language Interactions with AI Apps

ChatGPT-4 is capable of interacting with users in natural language, making it easier for people to use. The chatbot can also receive human feedback, allowing it to learn from its interactions and improve over time. This makes ChatGPT-4 a powerful tool for businesses and individuals who want to create chatbots that can interact with customers in a more human-like way.

Image Inputs in Combination with Text Inputs for a Multimodal Model

One of the most significant advancements in ChatGPT-4 is its ability to process both text and images. This opens up new possibilities for multimodal models that can analyze and understand a wide range of inputs. For example, a chatbot using ChatGPT-4 could receive an image and text input and use that information to generate a response that takes both inputs into account.

How Premium Versions Can Help Improve Output Quality of Language Models

OpenAI offers a premium version of ChatGPT called ChatGPT Plus, which provides users with access to more advanced features and capabilities. By paying for this premium version, businesses and individuals can improve the output quality of their language models and chatbots. This can be especially useful for companies that rely on chatbots for customer service or other interactions.

ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-3.5

I decided to do a head-to-head comparison of ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-3.5 for a common task:

Summarizing a long piece of text.

For this test, I chose to have ChatGPT summarize Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I used only a minimal prompt, i.e. “Summarize This.”

The results were fascinating!

Here are the results from ChatGPT-3.5.

The output from ChatGPT-3.5 was fairly short and surface-level. The response out of the box was probably an average response from a middle schooler.

ChatGPT-4 on the other hand produced a much more interesting result!

The writing is better, the ideas are more nuanced and the overall response was several hundred characters long. The level of sophistication here is far greater than 3.5. I would say that this version of ChatGPT gave a response that was closer to that of a University Student.

I would note that the model is currently capped at 25 messages a day and is much slower than 3.5. I expect this to change as OpenAI rolls out ChatGPT-4 to more users.


Examples of ChatGPT-4 in Use

Bing Chat Application Using the GPT-4 Model

One example of ChatGPT-4 in use is through Bing’s chat application, which utilizes the GPT-4 model to converse with users. This chat application allows users to ask questions and have them answered in a conversational and natural manner. The GPT-4 model allows for more accurate and varied responses to user questions, which can range from basic queries to more complex ones. Users can ask questions about anything from the weather to movie recommendations, and the chatbot will respond accordingly.

Image Credits Feature to Generate Captions Based on Input Images

Another example of the capabilities of ChatGPT-4 is the image credits feature, which can generate captions based on input images. This is an exciting development for applications such as social media, where images are often posted without context or explanation. With the image credits feature, ChatGPT-4 can generate accurate and meaningful captions for these images, improving user experience and accessibility. This feature could also be useful for applications such as image search engines, where users can input an image and receive relevant information and captions based on the image content.


In conclusion, the release of ChatGPT-4 by OpenAI marks another significant milestone in the advancement of AI technology. ChatGPT-4 comes with many impressive features that set it apart from its predecessors, including its ability to understand and generate responses based on a wide range of visual inputs, its capacity to handle adversarial prompts, and its capability to learn from human feedback to enhance its performance.

The potential applications of ChatGPT-4 are diverse and far-reaching, from language learning to image recognition and more. The premium version of the tool, ChatGPT Plus, can provide even higher quality output for users looking for more accuracy and precision in their language models