Meet Wysa: The Chatbot Therapist

WYSA Therapy Chatbot (2)

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.” – Buddha


Sometimes, we just need someone to talk to. But real-life conversations aren’t always possible. That’s where chatbot therapists come in. 

Chatbot therapy applications like Wysa use artificial intelligence (AI) to engage in conversations with humans. Chatbot therapy is gaining traction as an alternative form of mental health care. The idea of “chatting” with a computer about your feelings might seem odd at first, but AI technologies are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Chatbots now offer personalized advice and support for people suffering from a variety of issues like depression, and anxiety.

The idea of using Chatbots for therapy is most popular among younger people. A recent study in Sweden showed that 36% of respondents aged 18-24 would likely communicate with a chatbot to manage stress and anxiety.

Chatbot therapy can be especially useful for those who have difficulty accessing in-person therapy due to location, cost, or scheduling constraints. These AI tools can also be a useful supplement to in-person therapy, providing a convenient and confidential way to practice skills and techniques learned in therapy sessions. Chatbot therapy may not be suitable for everyone, but is a promising resource for managing mental health and well-being.

What is Wysa?

WYSA the Therapy Chatbot

Wysa is an innovative AI-powered chatbot that provides individuals access to safe, secure, and anonymous counseling services from anywhere.

How Does Wysa Work?

Wysa was designed with input from psychologists, designers, developers, and 500,000 users. The result? An anonymous, non-judgmental AI platform for emotional resilience. Wysa’s AI-powered chatbot can provide support for users in a variety of situations, including:

  • Supporting you through a breakup or other difficult situation
  • Building confidence and resilience when you feel like giving up
  • Encouraging you to take care of yourself when life gets overwhelming

Is Wysa a Robot or a Human?

The answer is… both!

Wysa has an artificial intelligence (AI) coach pocket penguin that learns and grows wiser. Wysa’s human Emotional Well-being professionals are mental health professionals trained to listen, support and encourage you. Together with a Wysa AI coach, Emotional Well-being Professional can support you.

Is Wysa Right for You?

The Wysa AI Coach is restricted in the means of response and the intended usage is for providing evidence-based tools and techniques to manage emotions and encourage mental well-being in a self-help context. It is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or cure of a condition or disease or disorder. Wysa cannot and will not offer advice on unrecognizable issues.

How Much Does Wysa Cost?

The Wysa app comes in a free version and a premium version starting at $68.99 per year, as well as the option for text-based mental health coaching sessions at $29.99 each

Wysa User Reviews

Wysa has received high praise from app store users, earning a 4.9-star rating from over 15,900 reviews on the Apple App Store and a 4.7-star rating from over 133,000 reviews on the Google Play Store.

Who May Want an Alternative to Wysa?

  • Age Restrictions: Wysa has age restrictions in place, so if an individual is under the required age, they will need to look for alternative resources.
  • Preference for One-on-One Therapy: If an individual feels more comfortable speaking with a human therapist face-to-face, a chatbot may not be the best fit for them.
  • Dislike of Chatbots: Some people simply prefer the human connection of traditional therapy. If this is the case, they may want to consider other options.
  • Mental Health Emergency: If an individual is experiencing a mental health crisis, it’s important for them to seek help from a trained professional immediately. Wysa is not equipped to handle emergencies.
  • Need for In-Depth, Long-Term Treatment: While Wysa can be a helpful resource for learning skills and techniques, it may not be sufficient for more serious or long-term mental health issues.
  • Preference for a Specific Type of Therapy: Wysa primarily utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, so if an individual is seeking a different type of therapy, they may want to consider other options.

WYSA Alternatives

1. Talkspace

  • Talkspace is an online therapy platform that connects users with licensed professional counselors.
  • Users can privately communicate with their therapist through text, audio, or video sessions from the comfort of their own home with Talkspace.
  • The platform offers tailored treatment plans for each patient’s mental health needs and resources like live consultants to help guide conversations with therapists.

2. Woebot

– Woebot is a virtual therapist utilizing the latest in AI technology.

– Woebot conversations are designed to help with mood improvement and building healthier habits.

3. Happify

  • Happify offers tools and programs to help individuals take control of their feelings and thoughts.
  • The techniques provided by Happify are based on evidence-backed interventions in positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • These techniques have been developed by scientists and experts who have been studying these fields for decades.


In conclusion, WYSA is a chatbot therapist that can provide a convenient and confidential way to manage your mental health and emotional well-being. It offers personalized advice and support based on evidence-backed interventions in positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. With options ranging from a free version to a premium version and text-based coaching sessions, there is a solution to fit every budget.

While it may not be suitable for everyone, WYSA is worth considering as a valuable resource in your journey towards emotional resilience. However, if you prefer one-on-one therapy, don’t want a chatbot, have a mental health emergency, need long-term treatment, or want a specific type of therapy, alternative options such as Talkspace, Happify, and Cove may be more suitable for you.

It’s important to choose the form of support that works best for your unique needs.